Prácticas de liderazgo de los directivos noveles para la inclusión educativa

This article is part of a larger investigation, the Fondecyt project that refers to how the directors who are exercising the position
fear the first time they respond to the needs derived from the educational inclusion in school centers. For this, a
Study of Multiple Cases, of a transversal type, with the application of an in-depth interview to 9 new directors of Centers
municipal schoolchildren in the Valparaíso region. The Results indicate that inclusive leadership practices are located in four
dimensions: redesign of the Organization with a focus on the inclusive, inclusive professional development, attention to various LEARNINGS
and installation of an inclusive culture. Being the dimension redesign of organization, with focus on the inclusive, the one with the highest
presence. For these new directors, it is very important to put a work environment that allows the cohesion of perceptions
Members of the school community, regarding work and institutional social role.

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