Management team professional skills of Chilean educational subsidized subsystem in vulnerable contexts.

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Any: 2014

The main objective of the present investigation was to develop and validate a skill profile of the management team of Chilean educational subsidized private subsystem that works in vulnerable contexts. The study, contextualizes and argues the urgent need to install professional skills for the management team: School Principal, Coordinator of Pedagogical Techniques, School Counselor and Cycle Coordinator, in this subsystem which holds 54 % (MINEDUC, 2012) of the national school enrollment.
International and national studies are cited, in order to have an overview of the management teams. Thus, as example it has been deepened in; Estándares para Directores de cinco países anglosajones (Standards for Directors of five Anglo-Saxon countries)(Espinoza, 2004) that reveal countries like England and the Department for Education and Skills (2013) and ISSLC (2013) in the United States, among others. It also includes the Sixth International Conference on Management of Educational Centers held in Bilbao ( Villa Ed., 2013) and other national surveys such as the Marco para la Buena Dirección (Framework for Good Management) (MINEDUC, 2005) and Fundación Chile (2006 ). Explaining that any of the national studies approaches to the issue of proposed objective. So the question arises: Is there a profile of skills for the management team of Chilean subsidized private subsystem working in vulnerable contexts? This knowledge gap underpins the urgent need of the development of this research.
The qualitative methodological design was established using a sequential mixed methodology that combines qualitative and quantitative techniques, under the ethnographic method of multiple case studies
Finally and after the application of scientific rigor ,it has been set skills profiles for the management team of Chilean subsidized private subsystem which develops its work in contexts of vulnerability, contributing with an innovation in this field.

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