Edu-InA Project Meeting

On January 20th and 21st, the Edu-InA project team met at the Complutense University of Madrid for two days of intensive work.

The main goal was to advance the project’s objectives, focused on integrating generative artificial intelligence (GAI) into university education. During the meeting, two key objectives were addressed:

Diagnosis of the use and knowledge of GAI by the teaching staff (Objective 1.1):

  • A questionnaire was developed to assess the use, knowledge, and stance of the teaching staff towards GAI.
  • The questionnaire is in the internal validation phase, with review and feedback from the team.
  • Ethical aspects and contact processes with the sample were discussed.

Analysis of discourses and opinions on GAI in university education (Objective 2.1):

  • It was agreed that the discussion groups would be held in person, with representatives from the rectorate, deanship, coordinators, and experts.
  • The discussion group questions were adjusted to align with the project’s objectives.
  • It was proposed that the moderators be from other universities to avoid biases.

Additionally, visions were agreed upon for upcoming objectives, such as describing the possibilities and challenges of incorporating GAI into curricula (Objective 1.3) and the current policies and strategies on the use of GAI in universities (Objective 2.2). Advances in identifying good practices with AI in university teaching (Objective 1.2) were also reviewed.

The meeting concluded with a review of the progress in disseminating the project, including publications and conferences.

For more information, visit the Edu-InA project website.

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