Use of social networks for international collaborations among medical students

Introduction The collaboration between professionals from different countries has become a claim in the globalised world where we live. In this scenario, collaborative social networks play a fundamental role in bringing people from different territories together in the same virtual space that it favours the exchange of information.

Objective To analyse the use and integration of social networks to favour international collaboration between medical students from the University of Granada (Spain) and the University of Sheffield (UK).

Methodology A quantitative methodology has been used using a questionnaire developed ad hoc to quantify the degree of student satisfaction after participation in the collaborative social network. The sample was composed of 110 students of the degree in medicine, 74 from the University of Granada and 36 from the University of Sheffield.

Results We find high percentages according to the improvement of learning from collaboration, as well as the relevance for the exchange of information and collaborative work between countries.

Conclusion This type of experience highlights the need to collaborate from digital networks with health professionals from other countries to improve student learning and know different methods and systems of action that improve daily medical practice.

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