Successful Actions in Universities. Towards Excellence Taking the Best Universities as a Model

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Any: 2014
Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) are those that, supported by scientific evidence, produce two results simultaneously: increase academic achievement and improve social relationships. Also SEAs fulfil two essential characteristics: they are universal and transferable, that is, they work in all contexts. We find SEAs at all levels of education, also in universities. In this sense, the study of the teaching actions at the most quality universities in the world has led to identify common actions which are addressed to improve the intellectual training of students and which can make them better professionals. In this sense we speak about Successful Actions in Universities (SAU). This article presents this concept and an initial list of SAU, and examines their need and advantages for achieving deep learning and academic excellence. The case of teacher education programs based on scientific evidence is discussed as an example.

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