Implementación de los convenios de desempeño en las universidades chilenas y su impacto en los resultados académicos y en la gestión institucional
This research is framed in the field of higher education, particularly in the financing for performance of Chilean universities and the impact that this mechanism has on the academic results and institutional management of these higher education institutions. The implementation of the financing for performance in the universities is intended for the universities to achieve remarkable results, which leads to an extraordinary performance in the academic and management field.
For this purpose, we work with three Chilean universities that participated in the pilot experience of the performance financing mechanism developed by the Ministry of Education of Chile, with the support of the World Bank, which is called the Performance Agreement. The methodological approach used is of a mixed nature, since in the first exploratory phase of the research the methodological approach used was qualitative, with the Fundamental Theory Method following for this purpose the approaches of Strauss and Corbin (2002) for the selection of the cases, the conduct of the interviews and the processing and analysis. Subsequently, the second phase of the research is quantitative in nature, with the application of a questionnaire with Likert-type questions, and two universities are working to corroborate and complement the results identified in the qualitative stage. Both perspectives methodologies are complemented in accordance with the sequential mixed approach pointed out by Creswell (2009). In both cases, the sample was composed of the members of the academic communities of the universities.
The results show that the implementation of performance agreements in the university managed to respond to the public funding policy that sought to achieve a significant institutional improvement. In this sense, the leaders of the universities managed to guide the institutional management towards the achievement of the goals defined in conjunction with the Ministry of Education. In order to achieve these remarkable results in the universities, the negotiation process between the Ministry of Education and the university was key, which was carried out to agree on the commitments to be achieved with the agreement, together with the support of the Negotiator in the initial stages of the agreement. performance, since it had a high academic profile, and therefore, could be the link between the Ministry of Education and the university, giving an academic look to the processes inherent to the implementation of performance agreements.
Finally, within the good practices identified in this research, it highlights the importance it has for the successful implementation of the financing mechanisms, that these are in line with the strategic development plan of the institution, and that the impact of the initiatives developed with the financing of the agreement, so that those with greater impact are institutionalized once the resources provided by the Ministry of Education have been finalized.