Antecedents and moderators of the brand categorization (local, global and glocal): An empirical analysis in the emerging economy of Iran

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Any: 2020

This Doctoral Dissertation by using a mixed-method approach quantitatively and qualitatively intends to contribute to the current literature of perceived brand globalness (PBG) and localness (PBL) and signaling theory. First, it provides further insights into brand categorization based on different perspectives, not only from an objective view but also from the consumer’s point of view. Also, by generating data through the survey of 400 individuals, 28 brands and ANOVA and T-test, analyzes the significant differences in the level of brand clarity between the different types of brands (global, local, and glocal) in the signaling theory. Second, through the primary data of 34 in-depth interviews, it investigates the possible drivers that can influence the consumer’s perception of brand globalness and localness. The study tries to shed new light on some way toward enhancing our understanding of consumer’s perception of local and global brands through the company’s local and global positioning. Third, the presented conceptual model is tested by estimating a structural equation model with survey data from a sample of new individuals (n=406). It measures the antecedent role of PBG and PBL on brand consistency and brand clarity to propose the relative effectiveness of PBG and PBL as signals of BCO and BCL for global and local brands. In addition, this doctoral dissertation provides several implications for companies that market their brands globally or domestically. It gives insights into the brand managers to re-position their fast-moving consumer goods in an emerging market while considering the consumer’s perspective to the relevant local or global brands.

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