Closing coordination meeting of ACCEDES project


Next October 31st the closing meeting of ACCEDES project will take place in Veracruz (México). The purpose of this meeting is to validate the project and to search future lines of continuity provided by the project.

The final ACCEDES event “Academic access and success of vulnerable groups in risk environments in Latin America” (DCI-ALA/2011/232) should help to validate the model developed and implemented by all institutions (partners and collaborators) along these lasts months of the project. 

Besides, this closing reunion will be useful for evaluating the development of the International Congress “University and Vulnerable groups” which will take place at the same location on October 29th and 30th( with the following purposes: (1) Raise Awareness about the difficulty in universalizing higher education for those who are vulnerable; (2) Discuss strategies, actions, programs and policies that might help to reach academic success of vulnerable groups in higher educational organizations; (3) Strengthen future work lines and engagements for the higher Education Institutions with the purpose of improve the situation of the vulnerable people; and (4) Spread and corroborate the goals achieved by ACCEDES project.

In consistency with the suggested activities, this meeting will count on the participation of all institutions which have worked in ACCEDES project for the past years.

For further information of the meeting, please visit:

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