Avaluació i Feedback per a l’Aprenentatge: Reptes i Oportunitats per Millorar la Cultura Avaluativa a la Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: Projectes de Recerca en Docència i Innovació docent (UAB)
Start date: 01/09/2024
End date: 31/12/2026
Global funding: 2.500

Feedback and assessment for learning represent the cornerstone of decision-making processes in improving learning outcomes and students’ academic performance. However, assessment and feedback are often underutilized and frequently overlooked in the planning processes for course improvements or in students’ own learning processes. In response, this project proposes to: 1) Analyze assessment strategies and feedback to detect their impact on student learning; 2) Identify examples of effective assessment strategies and feedback; 3) Investigate the conditions and contextual factors that make them effective; 4) Propose actions to improve teaching practices within the faculty in the current context of curriculum revision.
The goal is to generate improvements to the capacities of students, faculty, and institutions to design, foster, and improve feedback and assessment practices in higher education, both within the faculty and transferable to other university contexts.
To support this objective, the project will offer empirical resources on feedback design and conditions to guide faculty members, coordination teams, and institutional policy in the context of the ongoing curriculum review.

Personnel associated with the project:
Georgeta Ion (IP), Marta Bertran Tarrés, Lurdes Martínez Mínguez, Marilisa Birello, Aleix Barrera Corominas, Ricard Benito Pérez, Nayme Salas, Jose Luis Muñoz, Carolina Nieva Boza, Saida Lopez Crespo

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