De l’escola a la universitat: integració curricular dels vectors LOMLOE a la formació inicial de mestres d’educació infantil i primària.

Funding entity: AGAUR (Programa ARMIF)
Start date: 01/09/2023
End date: 31/03/2025
Global funding: 23.400
Reference: 2023 ARMIF 00025

The project “From School to University: Curricular Integration of LOMLOE Vectors in the Initial Training of Early Childhood and Primary Education Teachers” aims to address the need to adapt initial teacher training (ITT) to the regulatory changes in the educational system that affect compulsory education. The approval of the LOMLOE necessitates orienting ITT to prepare future teachers to develop the new curriculum. This requires, among other issues, ensuring the incorporation of the six vectors (competency-based learning, gender perspective, universality, quality of language education, emotional well-being, democratic citizenship, and global awareness) and advancing towards a more integrative training model. Specifically, the project seeks to design and validate a curricular integration model that facilitates the incorporation and strengthening of the LOMLOE vectors in the basic, compulsory, and practical training subjects of the ITT study plans. Using an interpretive methodology, which combines discussion groups and interviews with trainee and practising teachers, as well as university professors, and the analysis of the current study plans of the involved universities, the project aims to investigate the curricular and transversal integration of vectors in training and school practices. As a result of the work carried out, and beyond other products that may be generated, an interactive guide will be created for the teachers of the Faculties of Education. This guide will include: a) Conceptual framework around the vectors; b) Actions and strategies for the integrated teaching of vectors; c) Tools for curricular integration; and d) Compilation of reference practices from schools and faculties of education for addressing the vectors. The project is led by the Teacher Training and Pedagogical Innovation Group (FODIP) of the University of Barcelona. Members of the Organizational Development Team (EDO) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona are part of the research team. Additionally, early childhood and primary school teachers from ten schools in Catalonia are participating in the project.

Personnel associated with the project:

Emma Quiles Fernández (IP-UB), Beatriz Jarauta Borrasca (UB), Zoia Bozu (UB), Susana Orozco Martínez (UB), Isaac Calduch Pérez (UB), Gabriel Hervas Nicolas (UB), Blanca Patricia Silva Garcia (UB), Aleix Barrera-Corominas (UAB), Anna Díaz-Vicario (UAB), Cecilia Inés Suárez (UAB), Sergio Cortijo Gimenez (Escola l’Estel), Laura Vila Vicente (Escola La Farigola), Beatriz Durán Rodríguez (CEIP Joaquim Ruyra), Sandra García Barba (CEIP Miquel Martí i Pol), Eva López Nolla (CEIP Miquel Martí i Pol), Leonor Giménez Velázquez (Escola Cervantes), Juan José Luján Climnet (Escola H. Josep Tarradellas), Soraya González Vega (Escola H. Josep Tarradellas), Rut Escolano Cubero (Escola H. Josep Tarradellas), Laura Goñi Fernández (Escola H. Josep Tarradellas), María Teresa Pizarro Torres (Escola H. Josep Tarradellas), Francisca Martínez Checa (Escola del Parc), Ignasi Benet Gas (Escola Teresiana Bellvitge)

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