Eighth meeting of the Life Working Group

On February 21, teacher and member of CRiEDO, Patricia Olmos participated in the eighth meeting of Grupo de Treball Vida in telematic format.

The aim of this meeting was to present prevention strategies and forms of school organization that contribute to the prevention of EAP and that have proven effective in preventing early school leaving. Patricia Olmos appeared as a specialist in educational, social and labor inclusion of groups in a situation of vulnerability, young people and school failure and linked her presentation to the European projects Erasmus+, Orienta4YEL and Orienta4VET.

The Orienta4YEL project, developed between the years 2019 and 2022, aimed to develop, implement and evaluate innovative methods and practices focused on student guidance mechanisms and tutorial actions to foster inclusive education for young school leavers or who are at risk of leaving their studies prematurely, whether in formal or non-formal educational contexts.

The Orienta4VET project, started in 2022, has as its main objective improving access to Vocational Training (VET), as well as contributing to improving the permanence of students with more difficulties. Their lines of work are linked to three of the specific priorities of the Erasmus + program for professional training. Their lines of work are linked to three of the specific priorities of the Erasmus + program for professional training.

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