Organizational Comprehensive Accompaniment: Analysis and development of an external support model for organizations in the educational and training fields.

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Coordination: Malpica Basurto, F.

Counseling, supervision and consulting have evolved to give way to a new model called “Organizational Comprehensive Accompaniment”: A continuous and growing systemic process of organizational and pedagogical support, which allows collaborating with educational organizations in the implementation of their improvement and innovation activities, through personalized support for its members, in the natural pathway of change, as well as support in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the activities they carry out through a comprehensive improvement plan.

For this, various disciplines intervene and work hand in hand in the generation of wide and deep processes of organizational self-knowledge and, therefore, of intelligence and systemic development, generating them to be put into practice in the organization. It is here that this Comprehensive Accompaniment, as a new concept, becomes important, since in addition to making diagnoses and providing solutions in organizations as a system, seeking to generate new action knowledge, it is concerned for being side by side with the members of these organizations in the implementation of these improvement and innovation activities.

This Organizational Accompaniment starts from a new concept of external support, more comprehensive and practical. Based on Systems Theory and the learning organizations, it generates a comprehensive vision of transformation and a support process, mixing advisory, supervision, consulting, training and coaching activities, depending on the needs of educational agents and organizations, but above all it is concerned with the integral realization of projects over time, or what is the same, it is concerned for generating practical and inclusive innovation, accompanying the process of educational transformation.

It has come to demonstrate with this thesis, through an interpretive and phenomenological case study, that the organization of an educational institution has a decisive influence on educational results. In other words, a well-organized educational institution teaches better. Therefore, educational improvement involves having better organized educational institutions and this, in turn, involves having educators, administrators and teachers with the necessary skills to work systemically, as well as comprehensive accompaniment integrating the disciplines of the external support.

Counseling, supervision and consulting have evolved to give way to a new model called “Organizational Comprehensive Accompaniment”: A continuous and growing systemic process of organizational and pedagogical support, which allows collaborating with educational organizations in the implementation of their improvement and innovation activities, through personalized support for its members, in the natural pathway of change, as well as support in the design, monitoring and evaluation of the activities they carry out through a comprehensive improvement plan.

For this, various disciplines intervene and work hand in hand in the generation of wide and deep processes of organizational self-knowledge and, therefore, of intelligence and systemic development, generating them to be put into practice in the organization. It is here that this Comprehensive Accompaniment, as a new concept, becomes important, since in addition to making diagnoses and providing solutions in organizations as a system, seeking to generate new action knowledge, it is concerned for being side by side with the members of these organizations in the implementation of these improvement and innovation activities.

This Organizational Accompaniment starts from a new concept of external support, more comprehensive and practical. Based on Systems Theory and the learning organizations, it generates a comprehensive vision of transformation and a support process, mixing advisory, supervision, consulting, training and coaching activities, depending on the needs of educational agents and organizations, but above all it is concerned with the integral realization of projects over time, or what is the same, it is concerned for generating practical and inclusive innovation, accompanying the process of educational transformation.

It has come to demonstrate with this thesis, through an interpretive and phenomenological case study, that the organization of an educational institution has a decisive influence on educational results. In other words, a well-organized educational institution teaches better. Therefore, educational improvement involves having better organized educational institutions and this, in turn, involves having educators, administrators and teachers with the necessary skills to work systemically, as well as comprehensive accompaniment integrating the disciplines of the external support.

Personnel associated with the project:

Gairín, J.

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