This new meeting aims to work on the intellectual products of the project, monitor the progress of the developed activities, agree on QA strategies and the dissemination plan and oversee management issues. The meeting will be followed by a full three-day training program between January 19 and 21, 2022. The topic of the training will be “Creative and Diverse Assessment Methods for Education in the 21st Century” focusing on digital technologies and how they can be used for creative and diverse assessment.
The D-Eva project “Practical Skills evaluation with digital technology in teacher education” is part of the Erasmus + program of the European Union. Specifically, this project is financed from the line aimed at generating associations for the preparation of digital education, with a total allocation of €201,353.00 (Ref. 2020-1-ES01-KA226-HE-095485) and has partners from the Netherlands, Iceland and Romania, under the coordination of doctors Georgeta Ion and Cristina Mercader, both members of CRiEDO. The objectives are the following:
- Develop digital assessment resources that ensure a valid, sustainable and effective assessment of practical skills.
- Train university faculty to use digital assessment effectively and consistently, along with improving their digital skills.
- Provide universities with mechanisms to definitively change the evaluation culture, organically incorporating a digital solution to facilitate student learning.
To be updated on the progress of the project, consult its website and follow the Twitter account @project_deva