La Administración y el profesorado: prácticas educativas basadas en la evidencia

In the implementation, by teachers, of evidence-based educational practices, the Administration and national and international educational organizations have a fundamental role as generators of educational policies, regulations, reports and procedures for financing and incentives. Considering this, our research aims to study whether these types of institutions are true benchmarks for teachers in terms of the implementation of evidence-based educational practices, and to offer basic guidelines for improving the quantity and quality of these practices by teachers. For this, a quantitative study is developed through a cuestionnaire carried out to 462 teachers in Spain (Barcelona and Community of Madrid) in the Kindergarden and Elementary School stages. The results show that public administration and national and international organizations are not references for teachers when implementing evidence-based practices and are not sources of information that they consider relevant. We also identify the age and ownership factor of the educational center as significant variables regarding the relevance of these agents. We conclude that these institutions should modify their procedures to meet the concrete reality of teachers and improve their impact and reference level to promote evidence-based educational practices in schools. For this reason, we propose some basic guidelines, based on the responses of the teachers in our sample, which can serve, both for the Administration and for national or international organizations in the educational field, as a guide for improvement. Among them, it highlights the need for reports and communication by these agents with teachers to offer adequate contextualization, an affordable presentation of information, or the use of practical examples that favor the implementation of these practices.

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