The first meeting of the project partners will serve to strengthen the social sphere of the members who will participate, as well as to establish the general lines of work, adjust the calendar and agree on the main aspects linked to the daily management of the same. Representatives from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the University of Groningen (Netherlands), Boğaziçi University (Turkey), DG for Youth Services (Turkey), International Agricultural Training Center – UTEM (Turkey) will participate.
The “BioYouth – Enhanced Capacity of the Youth on Biobased Economy (2021-1-TR01-KA22-YOU-00029205)” project is financed under the Erasmus + program and is coordinated by the International Agricultural Training Center linked to the Ministry of Agriculture of Turkey. This project is based on the current world context where resources are finite, there are global environmental problems and there is a great growth of the population that forces us to look for new forms of production and consumption respecting the ecological limits of our planet. The need to achieve sustainability ends with a strong demand to modernize our industries and strengthen Europe’s position in a highly competitive global economy. To meet these challenges, countries need to improve and innovate approaches in the industry and service sectors by replacing synthetic material derived from fossil fuels with bio-based material.
BioYouth focuses mainly on the context of Turkey, and has as main objectives 1) design occupational profiles in the field of Bioeconomy, 2) make young people aware of possible career paths, current and innovation networks in the sector and 3) deploy training content and some useful tools for workers.
More information about the project here.