Study of the Degree of Organisational Development in Educational Centres and is relation to the academic results of the students

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: UAB (Programa de Projectes Emergents)
Start date: 01/01/2005
End date: 01/01/2006
Coordination: Carme Armengol (UAB)
Global funding: 4.500
Reference: EME2006-11

This is a study of the organisational development of educational centres and the relation that exists between that the the academic results of the students. Analysing the organisational states as descriptors of reality and describing the situation that favours positive organisational learning in order to improve school grades and is necessary if we want to achieve effective and stable improvement in the centres.

Organisational development studies in centres is not a completely new line in the education world; however, never before had this phenomenon been related so much with students’ academic results. This is of special relevance in contexts where the educational centres have a greater degree of autonomy and inevitable different processes of organisational development.

Personnel associated with the project:

Carme Armengol (Coord.)

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