ID_COMDID – La Inclusió Digital en la formació inicial dels mestres en Competència DIgital Docent

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: AGAUR (Programa ARMIF)
Start date: 01/09/2021
End date: 01/12/2022
Coordination: José Luis Lázaro (URV)
Reference: 2020 ARMIF 00005

The main goal of the project is to design, develop and evaluate a training strategy in real scenarios to train future teachers in digital inclusion as part of the CDD.

The specific objectives are:

  • OE1. Analyze and respond to the contextualized needs of schools in a way that promotes the inclusive care of all students through the use of digital technologies.
  • OE2. Collaborate with schools in creating inclusive E-A scenarios based on the use of digital technologies.
  • OE3. Develop the CDD level of future teachers in order to offer educational opportunities that promote digital inclusion.
Personnel associated with the project:

Cristina Mercader (UAB), José Luis Lázaro (Coordinador/URV), Tania Molero (URV), Mònica Sanromà (URV), Mercè Gisbert (URV), Carme Grimalt (URV), Iván Sanz (URV), Enric Brescó (UdL), Cristina Gabriel (Escola Torreforta), Rosa Bonachera (Escola Tarragona), Georgina Pinyol (Escola Tarragona), Miquel Martí (Escola M.Fortuny Reus), Manel Bares, Gemma Gòdia (Maristes), Olga Armengol (Escola St. Nicolau).

OD 04 – Quality education

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