CDDPla – Inclusion of the Teaching Digital Competence in the curricula of Early Childhood Education and Primary Education

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: Facultat de Ciències de l’Educació (UAB)
Start date: 01/09/2021
End date: 01/12/2021
Coordination: Cristina Mercader (UAB)
Global funding: 2,500.00

Since the creation of the Degrees in Infant and Primary Education, Digital Competence has been a transversal competence throughout the degree. In recent years, in educational research in the field of technology, this competence has been transformed into the teaching field to define the Digital Teaching Competence (CDD). At present there are several frames of reference and there is a clear commitment of different national and international bodies for the development of this competence with the aim of impacting on our teaching performance and responding to the needs of the 21st century. .

Likewise, the Department of Education has marked the academic year 2023-2024 as the maximum date on which the Digital Teaching Competence (CDD) must be integrated and worked specifically in the curricula of the degrees of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education to ensure that students who complete these degrees acquire the Digital Teaching Competence, at least at an initial level. Digital Teaching Competence, according to the Framework of the Department of Education, refers not only to the development of instrumental skills with digital technologies but also the digital gaze in various dimensions: teaching, organization, communication, citizenship and professional development.

In this sense, it is necessary to provide specific proposals for the incorporation and evaluation of the CDD in different key subjects of the curriculum and begin to identify the training required by university teachers; both for those who will be able to develop CDD in their subjects, as well as for the rest of the teaching staff who teach subjects in the degrees of the Faculty.

Thus, the objectives set are:

  • O1: Revise the Curriculum and the subjects that could include the development and evaluation of the CDD.
  • O2: Propose specific actions to develop and evaluate the CDD in the curriculum of Primary Education and Early Childhood Education to ensure the acquisition of the CDD at the end of the degrees.
  • O3: Identify the training needs of university teachers regarding the CDD
Personnel associated with the project:

Aleix Barrera-Corominas, Alejandra Bosco, Maribel Garcia, Henar González, Gustavo Gonzalez, Cristina Mercader (Coord.), Emilee Moore, Andy Morodo, Ingrid Noguera , Jèssica Pérez, Noemí Santiveri, Paloma Valdivia, Laia Viladot.

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