Analysis of the procedures for the creation and management of knowledge through communities of practice in Public Administration

Imagotipo CRIEDO
Funding entity: Escola d’Administració Pública de Catalunya (EAPC)
Start date: 01/01/2011
End date: 01/01/2011
Coordination: Joaquín Gairín (UAB)
Global funding: 10.000
Reference: GAP/2944/2010

The aim of this research is to analyse procedures for the creation and management of knowledge in communities of practice generated in the area of public administration and that make intensive use of technology.

Its objectives are focused on analysing how knowledge is managed in successful communities, establishing standards for improvement of the same and specifying protocols for action. It involves the creation of a map of the communities of practice that exist in two ministries of the Generalitat de Catalunya (the Ministry of Justice and the Health Protection Agency) and the selection and analysis of six of them.

The fieldwork considers a sample of more than 180 professionals from the six communities of practice selected from among those existing within the “Compatim” Programme of the Ministry of Justice, those created in the Health Protection Agency and some close to the education area, and incorporates instruments such as questionnaires, in-depth interviews, the analysis of documents and discussion groups.

The products expected to be generated include the creation of a map of good practices, the development of indicators for improvement, the creation and validation of a self-assessment guide and the development of models for intervention.

Personnel associated with the project:

Joaquín Gairín (UAB, Coord.), Aleix Barrera-Corominas (UAB), Miren Fernández-de-Álava (UAB), Daniel Giménez (APS), Jesús Martínez (CEJFE), David Rodríguez-Gómez (UAB).

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